Our Policies

  • • No new coal and gas mines. No new exploration licenses or leases for fossil fuels.

    • End logging in native forests by 2024, stop the koala wars and expand our plantations based industry.

    • Empower households and local businesses to make the shift to clean energy, by incentivising with zero interest loans the rapid uptake of rooftop solar, reverse cycle air-conditioners or heat pumps in homes and apartment buildings, and increasing access to EVs.

    • Address the uptake barrier by splitting the value pie for owners and renters, and utilising public assets like car parks, bus stops and bus depots as solar power cells.

    • Legislate 65% emissions reduction by 2030 (on 2005 level) and net zero emissions by 2045 to signal to markets that businesses need to invest in the new energy economy. Target 85% emissions by 2035, with a detailed plan in place.

  • • Create The Great Koala National Park and a Sydney Marine Park for our native wildlife.

    • Stop destruction of high conservation value habitat by ending ‘pay for biodiversity’ offsets until a complete independent review is undertaken.

    • Fund the federal 30 by 30 target meaning 14 million hectares to be added to national parks by 2030 and further additions to marine waters sanctuary zones.

    • Remove the Shark Nets from NSW waters and fund research into lower environmental risk climate geoengineering projects – e.g. ocean seeding.

    • Manage water systems as an integrated whole - NSW is three years behind and must implement an accredited water resource plan.

    • Transition to the Circular Economy by designing in sustainability at the manufacturing stage, and implementing stronger laws on labelling so items can end up in the proper waste stream.

  • By forging a strong and sustainable economy, we can lock in prosperity for decades to come.

    • Return to responsible economic management, with transparent, evidence-based spending.

    • Invest in the small businesses to revive Dee Why, Manly and the Northern Beaches economy.

    • Tackle the cost of living crisis by investing in cheap, renewable energy and increasing support for families and small businesses.

    • Implement phased superprofit royalties on fossil fuel companies who are making record profits, to pay $23 billion/year for climate mitigation, disaster relief and reskilling communities affected by the transition to net zero.

    • Fair pay for key workers so they can afford to live where they work and pay their bills.

  • To restore trust in politics, we need a return to an honest government. That means putting an end to rorts, corruption, pork barrelling and the “jobs for mates” culture.

    • Support an independent funding process for the NSW ICAC that is not susceptible to party political tampering.

    • Ensure an independent appointments process for ICAC Commissioners and other key roles in government.

    • Increased scrutiny around government decisions so they are evidence-based, quantifiable and transparent.

    • Ensure grant programs are open, competitive and merit-based and have sustainability criteria embedded.

    • Ban misleading and deceptive political advertising across all media formats.

    • Ban all political donations from the fossil fuel sector so our environment is not held to ransom.

    • Publicly display my voting record

  • • Save $69 million, 145 lives and nurse trauma per hospital per year by implementing safe staffing nurse-to-patient ratios for public and private hospitals that are publicly displayed. Make safe staffing ratios a KPI for Hospital CEOs.

    • Mental health, self-harm and eating disorder beds at Northern Beaches Hospital for under 18 year olds urgently implemented.

    • Review gaps in outpatient services that are lacking at Northern Beaches Hospital, in the Public-Private Partnership model that cause an impact on vulnerable members of our community.

    • Increase the amount that can be salary packaged for every frontline healthcare worker so that they have more spending power at zero additional cost to the state government. Forgive their HECS debt within 5 years of service.

    • Since hospital is the first point of call for those at risk of Sexual assault, Domestic and Family violence, and child protection issue, increase the allocation of Social Workers dedicated to ED.

    • The average time to treatment at Northern Beaches Hospital is deteriorating at a faster rate than the state average. https://www.bhi.nsw.gov.au/data-portal Most urgent patients are being seen more quickly but the least urgent (category 5) are taking much longer to be seen. Review and plan for our area’s future.

    • Re-establish public GP clinics in community health centres that will bulk bill and prevent an increased load on untreated conditions for cohorts who can not afford to see a doctor without bulk billing.

    • Increase community literacy in early intervention and planning for our valuable geriatric patients.

    • Address aged care and primary care wages/ conditions, both these areas contribute significantly to hospital congestion and thus bedlock.

  • • Put the local community at the heart of local planning decisions - not vested interests or the State Planning Minister. I’ll work with the council to ensure the LEP delivers for the community.

    • Reintroduce environmental development standards recently rolled back by the Liberal National government for new planning projects.

    • Ensure large projects, including infrastructure projects, are subject to full environmental, climate, heritage, transport, social impact assessments.

    • Require all new buildings to be net zero under the National Construction Code. Incentivise existing buildings to be retrofitted to net zero.

    • Support local councils to ensure at least 10% of all new homes built are affordable for key workers. Despite reports, there have been zero affordable homes delivered in our area in the last 5 years.

  • • Ensure we have a well staffed public transport system and a bus timetable that is reliable for students and commuters.

    • Develop and implement a 5 year roadmap to electrify public transport, including either adapted or electric ferries and buses built locally. Fit for purpose ferries that are safe, reliable and ensure smooth traffic flow at peak times through urban hubs.

    • Increase investment in zero emissions public transport and active travel infrastructure - towards a benchmark of 50% transport spend on PT and 20% on AT.

    • Implement charging infrastructure for e-bikes near commuter and corporate hubs.

    • Rollout EV infrastructure that encourages rapid uptake of EV’s and utilises their power as mobile batteries able to return power to the local grid via bi-directional technology.

    • Introduce vehicle pollution standards, as they have in other OECD countries, and introduce a “Cash for Clunkers” rebate scheme for people to reduce their less fuel efficient cars through Service NSW.

    • Solve the problem of too many cars on the road, traffic congestion and too much privatisation of tunnels across Sydney. There is no business case for the Libs’ version of the tunnel and it should not proceed - I will fight for a better solution for our community.

  • • Invest in our teachers - urgent plan to address teacher shortages and attract and retain teachers.

    • Ensure salaries are at a level that will attract and retain teachers.

    • Reduce administration workloads so teachers can concentrate on teaching, not red tape.

    • Provide additional time for lesson planning and collaboration.

    • Education reform - we need an audit of the skills we will need for the future and more training pathways to deliver on it.

    • Support early education and play-based learning to foster essential social and emotional literacy in readiness for school.

    • Ensure that the Gonski Review of school funding - that has been committed to by both major parties - is fully implemented.

    • Consult with the community about the appetite for 1-2 co-ed public high schools in our local community.

    • Invest in TAFE as a pathway to vocational employment and community purpose.

  • • Review all policies to ensure they reflect our society, include equity and human rights for all. Ensure everyone is empowered to be active, visible and respected.

    • Ensure the 55 recommendations from the Respect@Work report are implemented at the State level.

    • Legislate a Human Rights Act in NSW (modelled on the human rights legislation already operating in other Australian and international jurisdictions) to significantly improve the way our parliament, government and public entities develop laws, policies and make decisions.

  • • Examine and reassess the business case for the Beaches Link tunnel. The plan for the tunnel in its current form seems like a solution for 1990. Any transport improvements need proper community consultation, consideration of the human and environmental impacts and incorporate future planning and incentives for active transport that help us meet our net zero targets. It needs more work.

    • Ensure Cabbage Tree Bay becomes a designated swimming area (including divers & snorkelers ) thus preventing boats anchoring in the area other than during an emergency. With an estimated 1,000 swimmers a day doing the Manly to Shelly Beach swim, plus recorded damage to the seagrasses by anchors, it's time!

    • Support the repurposing of Manly Town Hall to be a world class performing arts destination bringing audiences and tourism to the area.

    • Support the local community, Northern Beaches Council and Local First Nations mobs with regards to its concerns about developments that exceed planning quotas and present severe safety risks.

    • Support introduction of cashless gaming card, which would enable people to pre-set a limit, capping residents’ and family’s potential gambling losses.

  • * Support introduction of cashless gambling card, which would enable people to pre-set a limit, capping their potential gambling losses. 

    * Set time limits - power down pokies after midnight and limit the amount of time a gambler can stay gambling without a break.

    * Legislate against allowing memorandums of understanding to be signed between third parties and major parties before elections.

    * Greater transparency in NSW - publish venue data to identify trends.

    * Fund an Independent state-wide Self Exclusion Register.

    * Phase out gambling sponsorship in sport and introduce legislation around gambling ads on social media and TV. 

Our policy priorities are shaped by focus groups with people in the Manly electorate and through extensive consultation with subject matter experts that align with our community values.

Community First

As your representative and Independent member for Manly, my vote in parliament will never be influenced by party politics, donors, lobbyists or backroom deals.

I am here to represent YOU. If you see an opportunity to improve our community, please share your thoughts with my team.

If you’d like these policies, please donate to support our community-driven campaign.